编辑:admin 时间:2012-02-18 14:52:15 来源:魂狼
CheatCode 作幣碼 Result結果
Kaching Adds §1.000,- to household funds
Motherlode Adds §50.000,- to household funds
Moveobjects on/off Move unmovable objects
constrainFloorElevation [true/false] Use 'false' to make it possible to raise or lower the floor even when there are objects, flooring or walls on it.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT
enablellamas [on/off] Ok this is a joke. it's in the cheatlist, but it does nothing. They just added it for fun.
fadeObjects [on/off] Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not affect sims.
testingCheatsEnabled [true/false] Use 'true' to enable debugmode. Can move needs, shift click mailbox to change careers, lock needs, etc.
fps [on/off] Displays framerate in upper right corner
fullscreen [on/off] Self explanatory. You can also change this setting in options by the way.
hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] Shows or hides talk/thought balloons
jokePlease Shows a random joke in the cheat console
quit Exits game
resetSim [first name] [last name] Returns Sim to a safe, neutral state at their home
slowMotionViz [0-8] Puts visuals in slow motion (does not affect in-game time).
unlockOutfits [on/off] Use before going to CAS. It shows career and service uniforms in CAS.
(在創造人物前使用, 這令創造人物中顯示職業和服務制服)
familyfunds [Familyname] # Add or extract money for a chosen family.